Places in Between

I am intrigued with other people’s involvement with one another (or lack of involvement), their body language, and the spaces surrounding them. Sometimes I paint adhering to the specifics of their surroundings, and other times I invent this space, matching the psychological territory they inhabit.

Synch, 20” x 20” oil on canvas

Yellow Jacket, 20” x 16” oil on canvas

Ponder, 10” x 8” oil on canvas

Talk, 8” x 10” oil on canvas

Tiny Dancer, 20” x 16” oil on canvas

Captive, 12” x 9” oil on canvas

Paris Couple, 9” x 12” 0il on canvas

Dance, 10” x 10” oil on canvas

Intimissi, 12” x 9” oil on canvas

Gulf, 20” x 16” oil on canvas

Corner, 9” x 12” oil on canvas

Pink Jackets, 12” x 12” oil on canvas

Foursome, 9” x 12” oil on canvas

Swerve, 20” x 20” oil on canvas

No Need to Worry, 12” x 9” oil on canvas


Out of the Blue, Oil on Panel, 20 Images at 14" x 11" each